Local TeamViewer Client not in sync with online and/or other users

Just wondering if we are the only ones with the problem or if someone else has the problem as well?

We see it quite often, that the locally installed TeamViewer client is not in sync with what is online or even what other users have in their local TeamViewer.

  1. A device shows as offline in the local client and online in web.teamviewer.com and this doesn't change in a long time… I haven't figured out, if it will change at all. Other local clients will see the device as online though.
  2. A device is moved from group A to group B. Some local clients will still see the device in group A while online and other clients already see it in Group B.
  3. What results from 2. is, that the client cannot access the device with "Easy access" anymore. The device is somewhere in a limbo between groups A and B with the access rights, as both groups would have "Easy access" assigned for the device.