download teamviewer version 11.0.224042

hello all

I have to download a specific version of teamviewer, 11.0.224042

I only found the last 11 version, 11.0.259193

where canI find the version that I need?

thanks in advance


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,762 Moderator

    Hello @dgavez,

    Thank you for paying a visit to the Community!

    Is there any specific reason for using TeamViewer's previous minor version of v11.0.224024 on your side?

    We currently have the latest version of TeamViewer v11.0.259193 available for download on the TeamViewer download page. It is also compatible with most the operating systems of Windows. You may find the compatibility list in the Knowledge-based article - . We recommend all users download and use the latest supported version of TeamViewer all the time.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • dgavez
    dgavez Posts: 5

    hi Ying

    sure there is a specific reason: I have to control an unreacheable machine running 11.0.224024

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,762 Moderator
    edited May 2024

    Hello @dgavez,

    Thank you for getting back to me with the reason!

    In this case, you may download the latest version of TeamViewer and it will be fine to connect to the endpoint with TeamViewer v11.0.224024. The higher version of TeamViewer can connect to the lower version. As mentioned in the previous reply, we encourage all users to use the latest version of TeamViewer. By any chance when you have time, kindly update the TeamViewer on the remote side please, you can also have the version update during a remote session too.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • dgavez
    dgavez Posts: 5
    edited May 2024
  • dgavez
    dgavez Posts: 5

    Hi Ying

    as you can see in my screenshot, I cant control the remote machine running the older version of TV

    so please tell me how can I get the right version of the software

    I repeat: I cannot use latest v.11.0 available from the site

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,762 Moderator

    Hi @dgavez,

    My apologies for misleading you in the previous reply. It is important for users to install and use the latest version of TeamViewer on both sides for remote connections. As you have already installed the latest version on the support side, we need to update the remote computer to the latest version of TeamViewer to receive incoming connections.

    We understand that you are not able to reach the remote machine for the moment, maybe ask for help from friends or family to run the TeamViewer update if that is possible then you may try again for the connection.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • koimark
    koimark Posts: 2

    I think this is the main problem: "Hint: Using older versions of TeamViewer requires a TeamViewer license. We kindly ask all free users to use the latest version of TeamViewer Remote."

    ⇒ And that is the problem when there are older computers who cannot use latest version.

    I'm planning to stop paying Teamviewer because the changes are unbearable.