Why is 2FA code on Windows 11 Pro with 1Password not working properly.


Using Windows 11 Pro and two Apple devices all with 1 Password (and all latest build). While activating the 2FA QR code on the Windows PC I scan the code with my iPhone. In 1Password on all devices the 2FA option is immediately activated and can be seen. On the Apple devices the 6 numbers generated are the same in 1Password. However on 1Password for Windows the 6 numbers are different (this behaviour works fine on other websites, but not on the Teamviewer website). When I use the code generated on 1 Password for Windows while logging in it says: the code you entered is invalid, login again.

However when I use the code generated with 1 Password on my Apple devices it is accepted and I can enter the Teamviewer website.


Where is the bug to be found for this: on Teamviewers side or with 1 Password?
