MFA how to improve useability

I have switched to MFA for my TV-account….and the experience is very lacking in comfort. Now i have to enter my username and my password (the tv-app does not remember them), then i have to search for the teamviewer-entry in my authenticator (scroll, scroll, scroll) and the I have to read and type a 6digitcode to prove that i can read and type digits.

Please help me to improve this:

How can I save the username and password on the local device? I have MFA enabled, so this should be made possible,

How can I enable push for MFA? I want my authenticator to popup with the proper entry, because scrolling through the list with all MFA-accounts is tiresome.




  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,351 Moderator

    Hi @Kellermeister ,
    Thanks for your first post in our Community!

    Regarding the login, we advise checking the box Keep me signed in during your login, so you don't need to type your credentials multiple times.

    Regarding the push for MFA, this is not possible at the moment. We encourage you to share your ideas to improve TeamViewer in our Ideas Hub.

    Please know that without MFA it's possible to trust a device via push notification, but we highly encourage you to use MFA for additional security to your account.

    Let us know if you have any further questions.
    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator

  • I know the checkbox "keep me signed in". It has no effect.

    I want to use MFA, with my account a user could have access to many devices in our network. So I have to protect it with MFA. The MFA-implementation of Teamviewer is not up to standard. Its annoying to have to scroll down my long list of MFA entrys in my authenticator.