easy access

Our programmers keep losing access to our desktop. I give him the ID and PW to connect but it kicks them off within a minute. They said to grant them easy access, but I don't see that option anywhere. They sent me a picture where it shows the option directly under the id and PW but it isn't there on mine


  • TVSupportMatt
    TVSupportMatt Posts: 95 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @kenandkim

    Welcome to our Community and thank you for your first post! 🌏️

    Are you in the classic User Interface or the new User Interface?

    If you are in the classic User Interface and you are on the Remote Control tab and you do not see a check box for Easy Access under the box with your ID and Password, are you seeing a message that says "To setup unattended access, you need administrative rights." like shown below?

    If so, then this means you need to run the TeamViewer application as an admin for that device, and then once the program is being run as an admin, you will see the check box they are referring to.

    However, this will require them to give you their user credentials to then tell the application you want to grant easy access to your device to that user.

    This Knowledge Base article tagged below will also outline the specific instructions for granting Easy Access.

    Remote control via Easy access (teamviewer.com)

    Let us know how it goes and if you need further help. 👍️