Community ranks revamp — What are Community ranks?

.Carol.fg. Posts: 1,350 Moderator
edited November 2024 in Announcements

Hello everybody, 

We are thrilled and delighted to share with you all the fantastic news that our Support Forum is getting a brand-new ranking system

Why are we getting new ranks?

To make TeamViewer's learning journey even more exciting, we have created a brand-new gamification system for our Support Forum. We'd love to see you all helping each other while having fun with the progression through the new Ranks. 

We analyzed all the feedback you sent us about our old ranks and the necessity of having enjoyable, clear, and simplified gameplay within our Support Forum. We made sure to develop a new rank system that can efficiently deliver the appreciation, visibility, and recognition you deserve for all the valuable and helpful content you shared within our community. Now, with our new Ranks, you can easily identify our most valuable members - and most importantly: You can become one of them!  

How can I participate?

Once you create an account in the TeamViewer Community, you will receive an email welcoming you to our Support Forum. From this point on, you're already participating in our Community ranks in the first rank - Member

This begins your journey through the Community ranks! 

How do the new Community ranks work?

Our new ranks are based on postspoints, and time. You will earn points whenever you engage with other users in our Support Forum by reacting to their posts, starting a new discussion, or posting comments on an existing discussion. Progressing through our new ranks will involve earning these points and actively interacting with other users in the TeamViewer Community throughout the year. 

Being a Member is only the initial step. Currently, there are 5 ranks to progress through: 


Once you begin interacting with other users and engaging in threads you can progress to the next rank of Starter. This rank is granted to beginner users who have already had a few interactions with others in our Support Forum


As you progress further and develop your knowledge and expertise around TeamViewer, you can progress to the next rank of Explorer. Explorers actively continue to seek more information about TeamViewer by engaging with others in our Support Forum. 


Our third rank, Helper, is granted as your level of interaction progresses. Helpers are truly seen as a 'helping hand' by other users and are even sought out in certain cases where they may have more knowledge. Other users actively benefit from Helpers' previous interactions, comments, and discussions. 


As you near the top of the Community ranks, you will then progress to Contributor. Contributors' engagement and participation in the Support Forum have been very visible and praised due to their great effort in helping other users.These users are seen as reliable sources for answers. 


The final rank, Mentor, is achieved when the user is seen not only as a reliable contributor but also as an active and progressive memberof the TeamViewer Community. Mentors' interactions in the community have truly helped many, and as an active member of the TeamViewer Community, they continue to contribute quality information. 

We hope you all can have a great time with our new Community ranks

Don't miss this opportunity to keep learning, engaging, and making new valuable social connections in our TeamViewer Support Forum. 

TeamViewer Community Team 

Portuguese Community Moderator


  • The new rank system sounds like a great way to encourage community interaction and recognize valuable contributors. I'm excited to see how this enhances our experience on the Support Forum!