How to completely remove Teamviewer

Hi there,

Can any one help? I have just been advised by my bank to remove Teamviewer as it is being used by fraudsters to access people computers and is being regarded by them as a security risk.

How can I remove Teamviewer completely leaving nothing behind?



  • TVSupportMatt
    TVSupportMatt Posts: 95 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @Heliox

    You can completely uninstall TeamViewer from your device by following the instructions outlined in the Knowledge Base article pasted below.

    You will want to follow all of the steps outlined as, under the Advance area, you will find the instructions that will explain how to completely remove it rather than just doing a basic uninstall.

    Let us know how it does and if you need need any further help 👍️

  • Heliox
    Heliox Posts: 6

    Hi there Teamviewer, after I left this post I found the instructions that you mentioned on your website which I followed. The result of this is that my Computer no longer worked!!

    Not very happy as you can imagine. All I was getting was a blue screen and no way to start it in safe mode and no way to access the BIOS. Last resort was to reset my computer initially a soft reset but this didn't work so I tried a hard reset and lost all the data on my computer. This also didn't work. So my computer has now gone to a computer specialist and had Windows reinstalled from scratch costing me £100 so as you can see not a happy chappie !!!



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