A new solution needed now that TeamViewer is abandoning people

sadness Posts: 1
edited September 2024 in General questions

I've been using TeamViewer (free personal license) to help my aging parents remotely who own a reasonably old Mac.

The recent-ish announcement that 1. I have to update my remote client to the latest version, and that 2. it will no longer be possible to connect to the server running on my parents Mac, leaves me in a position where TeamViewer as a product has reach end-of-life.

It seems to me to be an artificial decision to take the action you have taken, and one that flys in the face of your stated desire over the years to be supportive of your community of non-corporate users.

The simple fact that the server app works just fine as is, and that there is no supported way forward to maintain connectivity is a choice, and one that could have been avoided, I suspect without the cost you are now imposing on your userbase.