My TeamViewer recently will not connect to remote computers when selecting from Computers & Contacts Page. It comes up with a message (see below).
Carrying local tests and both my computers are connected to the Internet with no issues.
I am running the latest version (15.57.3 - 64 bit) on both computers.
Last used software on host computer on 17th July 2024, all good up till then. No major changes to my host computer apart from some regular Microsoft Updates (on both computers). No other app showing issues. No unusual events recorded in the Events logs.
However, if I use the 'Remote Control' page and manually type in the distant computer ID and Password manually, it will connect. It will also connect if I use the same method from the remote computer back to the host computer!
If I then go back to the Computers & Contacts Page, I still get the repeat of the message above.
Tried all sorts of diagnostics, including deletion and reinstall of software (also checking Registry) to no avail.
Is there a mystery database somewhere that is stopping the Computers & Contacts Page from working?
I'm stumped!! Hopefully, someone has a few suggestions to get to the bottom of this.
Great piece of software, and this is the first problem I have had over the years that it has been in existence.
Kind Regards