team viewer switching audio output when closing
i run multiple remotely operated sound recording studios. Teamviewer is how I control them.
Randomly, on new machines added to my account, Teamviewer will change the sound output when closing. I can select the proper audio output while controlling that machine. Audio will be rerouted as desired to the proper output. As soon as I exit from using Teamviewer, it will change that machine's output back to the Macbook Pro's built in speakers. No matter what.
The only way to use these machines as intended is to always have Teamviewer open the whole time or have a person physically come in and change the output on the machine. Which is useless as the studios are remotely operated.
This has happened for years and Teamviewer never has any useful input when dealing with their "tier 2" ticket people. They just say the software is functioning as intended. I have to reinstall TV multiple times, reinstall the Mac OS, play with settings until eventually it randomly works correctly. I have NEVER been able to figure out what the fix is and Teamviewer classically denies that this is a problem that needs to be fixed, zero help, zero ownership. Fully left to solve on my own despite the "premium" features we pay for.
This is an incredibly dumb feature. There should be a global "audio off" setting for this software.
Has anyone dealt with this and found a definitive fix? Thanks!
Agreed. I run into this frequently and will be moving to an alternative remote control solution because of it.