can't authorize trusted device

I am trying to add a device but keep getting this message again and again. What am I doing wrong?

 We could not verify if your account has been used on this device before.
To ensure your account's security, you need to add this device to your trusted devices before you can complete the sign in.
Please follow the link to add this device to your trusted devices: Add to trusted devices

Have opened email and clicked link but still won't work



  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @rhona

    after clicking the link in the email, you will be re-directed to a browser window. Here, you need to complete the authorization process by clicking on the blue button which is saying Add device.

    Did you click that button? 

    Please note: The link in this email is only valid for 30 minutes. If the link expires, you will need to sign into your account once more on the new device, so that a new authorization email can be generated.

    As an alternative to the Trusted Devices authorization process, you can enable two-factor authentication on your account instead. If you are using two-factor authentication, then the Trusted Devices authorization email won’t be required anymore when you sign into your account on a new device.

    All the best, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • I also have this problem. I have gotten the message that device was added successfully, but continue to get this authentication error. I have tried restarting the device, but no success. The Team Viewer software is essentially non functional for me on this machine.
  • HRachel
    HRachel Posts: 1

    I have been at this for a whole day and can't get an answer to resolve this issue. I respond to the emails and follow the link 'Add to trusted devices' and it says that this device has been added and I can now sign in but then the whole process starts all over again. This is driving me nuts!!!!

  • Cezi
    Cezi Posts: 0

    I have this problem also. I received the message about add trusted devices and I was adding it with a successful message. But the devices still need first to add it to trusted devices and didn't log in over and over again.

    I tested it on two devices and didn't succeed. 

    Is this problem with my account (free account)? Too many trusted devices or something? How to remove the old one?

    Or it is problem with the TeamViewer system?

    Thank you for your answer.

  • Flafy
    Flafy Posts: 1

    I also had this problem, I managed to fix it by trusting the device as well as its IP, and that fixed it. I then tried to log in with the same device and a different IP and succeeded, so now I know it trusts the device regardless of its IP.