I have a win 11 Home pc. I have a Win 10 Pro pc. I tried Remote Desktop and had no issues sitting at the win 11 Home seeing the Win 10 Pro screen and manipulation there.
The Win 10 Pro could not connect with the win 11 Home to see it's screen, etc.
Enter: TeamViewer.
Same one way reaction. Win 11 Home could see the Win 10 Pro but the Win 10 Pro could not connect with the Win 10 Home with Teamviewer.
I am a septuagenarian (not a religion haha! Mean's in my 70's) Living alone it's just to help me keep my rescued older pc's looking the same and having the same files. I have no use for using Teamviewer to go out beyond my little house with the connections.
Any suggestions for this issue. Why won't my Win 10 Pro play right😊.
Thanks so much, jep ":-Dx