How do I use this product

I just want to set up a Vendor to connect to a server to install their software. I have a valid license for Team Viewer. I launch Team Viewer and send them the ID and Password. They can't connect.

The Vendor gets a "Session code expired." even after regenerating the password.


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,350 Moderator

    Hi @Yuri_Gagarin,
    Welcome to our Community, and thanks for your question!

    TeamViewer allows the remote control of a partner device, which means the supporter (the person with a TeamViewer license - in this case you), can connect to a remote device to provide support to a partner (in this case your vendor).

    There are two ways you can remotely connect to your partner:

    1. If the partner has TeamViewer installed, they can provide you their ID and Password
      Without sign in:

    After signing in:

    One you receive the information you can type it in the field Provide support and click Connect.

    2. If they don't have TeamViewer installed and don't want to install it: You can create a session code and share the link with them. The step-by-step you can find in the article:
    (Session codes use TeamViewer QuickSupport, which is just an executable - it doesn't require installation, the user just needs to open it and allow the remote control session.)

    Please share with us how it goes, and let us know if you need any further help. 😄
    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator