Teamviewer Host update to Latest version via policy stopped at 15.2.2756 H.

Latest version updates via policy assignment have stopped at version 15.2.2756 H.

I used Teamviewer version 12. I recently changed to the subscription version. I tried to update all remote host programs using the Teamviewer policy assignment function. Fortunately, all host versions were updated. All versions were updated to 15.2.2756 H.
However, they are no longer updated to the latest version, 15.5 or higher.

The policy is set to update to the latest version every day.


  • Hello Codylee & all the others!

    We use TV 14 Host on ~ 300 Devices without having activated the update function via the policy in the management console. I activated this update function 3 or 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately the update only works on the 15 hosts, those with version 14 do not update. I selected the setting 'All 'updates (includes new major versions). We are on the sunscription version. Any idea where I made the mistake?

    The policy is set to update to the lastest version every day.