I have deployed a custom host for my agency. It works great, but i have come across a problem on a few of the machines it was installed on. On these affected machines, it is not showing the connection password. It will load and show the ID but the password is just gone, as though someone turned it off under the security settings.
We have a policy that applies to the the computer groups these pc's go in, but the only password rules is to set the length of pass, and nothing more. We also have unattended access disabled or not configured. Our preferred method is to have end users tell us their pass for connection. As stated, this does not affect all end users, but has been a problem for others.
Also, On our side, normally, we have 4 connection buttons to use, one that requests the end user's password and the other remote control option send them a prompt where they must allow us to connect to their pc. On most occasions, the prompt control is missing after adding the pc to our computer group. a few days later it will return. I have also had instances where it was their upon pc build, then gone when we needed it due to missing the password.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue we are having?