Teamviewer connecting for family support

Elderly relative needs their windows re-installing after a hack - wait 3 days for a new "remote ID code" to be approved on the page titled "reset", before I am allowed to support.

Next week, need to do a re-install on another of their computers, same again… this whole "list all devices you want to connect to - non commercial" barrier is infuriating, and still shows up as "you need to pay", which I am sure many fall for….

Ironically, after doing that, it's not possible to add their devices to the list of devices I want to connect to!!

Various instructions say to go to devices, then all devices, however that doesn't exist.

recent connections won't show something I have just connected to for the first time," all managed" shows only one device, instead of "all" as it's labelled (I have about 20 devices that I connect to for supporting family), there's no "add this connection to devices" button, it's just a complete mess and a real massive pain to use….

Also the list of devices has no connect button, but when you click on it, you get a connect button, which doesn't actually connect, to connect, you have to accurately move the mouse to the tiny 3 dots target, and then click connect, which has a sub option, connect…. great for accessibility too….

It looks like other tools have caught on, as they have articles that talk about how difficult team viewer is now, and how they address those pain points with a simple and straightforward experience.


  • wcndave
    wcndave Posts: 9

    Nothing? Teamviewer given up on their free users? Free users are the audience that will convert to paying ones, if we all use something else for personal, why would we choose anything different in our professional lives.