GPG signature verification error: Bad GPG signature on

ElCoyote_ Posts: 3
edited January 28 in Linux only

Hi all,

I am a free user (I use TV to support my Family).

I just noticed this Today when I try to 'dnf update' on RHEL8:

TeamViewer - x86_64 8.4 kB/s | 867 B 00:00
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'teamviewer': repomd.xml GPG signature verification error: Bad GPG signature

Here's the repo file I am using:

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/teamviewer.repo

name=TeamViewer - $basearch

I think the release team should look into this.

Thank you.


  • I can confirm I am having this issue with the rpm repo as well

  • weeglos
    weeglos Posts: 1

    Having the same issue. Tried to update the signing key with:

    #> rpm --import

    and it succeeded in updating the key but the repository still doesn't work.

  • Raz_Vlad
    Raz_Vlad Posts: 1

    Confirming the same error on different servers (both RHEL 8.1).

    Downloaded / Redownloaded the rpm, deleted repo, reloaded key, but then it says:

    TeamViewer - x86_64 10 kB/s | 867 B 00:00

    TeamViewer - x86_64 136 kB/s | 3.1 kB 00:00

    TeamViewer - x86_64 13 kB/s | 867 B 00:00Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'teamviewer': repomd.xml GPG signature verification error: Bad GPG signature

  • i'm confirming the same issue too, fedora 41