Does Custom Design work in Windows Embedded 7

I'm trying to create a customised design for TV12 (i.e. with my company's logo, etc.) Host, in the "Design & Deploy" section in the Management Console.

I download the installer, and install it on Windows 7, it looks fine. However, when I run the same installer on a device which is running Windows Embedded 7, I get the TeamViewer default logo & title.

Is there something I need to do to get this to work on Windows Embedded 7? Or is there anything else I need to do besides running the installer, that maybe a user on my computer before me had already done?




  • iainwels
    iainwels Posts: 121 ✭✭

    Hello colmde,

    I know you're problem. You have to log in as an Administrator then you will see your own logo.
    If you want to save your progress when you shut down your computer you also need to do this 
    1. Go to the windows logo   2. Go to control panel      3. Go to HP Write Filter Configuration1. Go to the windows logo 2. Go to control panel 3. Go to HP Write Filter Configuration4. Here you see Enable EWF (With this you lock the data that is on it right now so everything you do after this is gonna get lost when you shut down you computer (thin client)       5. You press Confirm      6. On the pop up you press restart4. Here you see Enable EWF (With this you lock the data that is on it right now so everything you do after this is gonna get lost when you shut down you computer (thin client) 5. You press Confirm 6. On the pop up you press restart

    After you have done this you should log on to an administrator account and download your teamviewer host.

    With kind regards,

    Iain Wels,


    If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution so it could help other people

    With kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
    Iain Wels,
    If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution, so it could help other people