We have a corporate license. There is one use who has a trial expired message. The user should be licensed. Is this a known issue? If not where can I look to check if something whent wrong?
Hi Katharina,
I'm currently experiencing this with few systems. Correct me if i'm misunderstood your thread below.
I have Premium license. I'm able to activate teamviewer on my client with my login acct but if i logout of the acct on the client pc, teamviewer acct is no longer activate? Each user will have to have TeamViewer acct? My assumption is teamviewr is install on client systems in the org and as long I login with my Premium license acct it will auto activate and register. I'm i wrong?
Hi Björgvin,
Thank you for your post.
If you receive a "trial version expired" message, this means that no licence is active on the device that you are using.
In general, a Corporate licence can be activated locally on a specific PC or on your TeamViewer account (in that case, you could use the licence from anywhere by signing in with your email address and password).
From the screenshot that you kindly provided I can see that the user in question is not signed in to their account in the Computers & contacts list. If you have activated your TeamViewer licence on your users' TeamViewer accounts, they would always need to sign in to their account in order for the licence to be recognised.
In order to activate your licence on a TeamViewer account, please sign in to the Management Console (https://login.teamviewer.com), click on the display name in the upper right-hand corner and select "Edit profile". In the "General" tab, click on the blue link that says "Change licence". In the new window that opens, please click on "Legacy Licence Key Activation" at the bottom and enter your licence key.
As an alternative, you can of course also activate the the licence on the local PC. In order to do so, please enter the licence key under "Extras > Activate licence" in the main window of your TeamViewer client.
I hope this information helps. If you have any further questions, feel free to let me know!
All the best,
Hi there. Some of our users get this (see picture) and I wonder why? We have a Corporate License. For this particular user I activated the Licence key and now the Trial window does'nt appear. We use the same setup file for everyone. Are we doing something wrong in the setup phase? This user had 2 versions of Teamviewer which I removed, furthermore I removed everything that had anything to do with Teamviewer in Windows Registry and ran our setup file, but still he gor this Trial window. Please advise :-)
Cheers, Björgvin Arnarsson - Vegagerðin
The problem is resolved. Seems that we have two accounts in Teamviewer. These must be murged in the and. Thanks for the help.
Hello FabianD,
Does this message only appear before he is logged in in teamviewer? If so please respond then i know how to help you with this issue.
Thank you for using teamviewer!