I have the latest version of Android Teamviewer host installed but each time I try to connect to the device I get a message "Authentication Rejected" . I would like to have Unattended Access to each device.
Yea When the app is not in the forground, or when its closed entirely, i am unable to connect if the deviced is locked/standby.
Hi. I have installed the host teamviewer in a huawei p10 lite, and I have installed the corresponding add-on from the manufacturer.When I did several connection tests, when I installed the program for the first time, it worked fine.But now, at a distance, I can not connect to the device, it says "initiating host application in .....", it waits for a while, and then it gives the answer "start of the host application in ..... it has overcome the waiting time".The Android device appears in my list of computers in yellow, on hold, but the host does not activate. It is necessary to give the host manually to achieve a connection, and it is assumed that no manual intervention is necessary to access the device. So what is the problem? What can be done to always ensure the activity of the host on the android device ?.
I have a SAMSUNG phone and have installed the correct host as you have stated
however when i dont have the host app open i cannot connect to the phone is there something that i have missed ?
Hi. Have you checked that the phone always keeps applications active?In phone settings you always have to be active and not in ECO mode.Also, turn off or turn on the phone should work the application and be always online.On the other hand, you have to check the battery consumption and that the phone does not deactivate the function due to high energy consumption.You should also check that when the screen goes off (sleep mode) the system keeps working.I can not think of anything else, even though I still have connection problems with the host teamviewer, I have to go to applications every moment and stop and rebuke it, something that is annoying, because it stops working at inopportune moments.
Same here, not resolved. I have two phones (Samsung Galaxy Note 3, One Sony Xperia Z3) assigned to the account, same (latest) version of Teamviewer Host (13.0.7847) and while the Samsung does not require acceptance for remote control, Sony does require "accept or reject tap. What am I missing? Moreover, it did not require it before I had to repair android installation to factory settings. Now it does. Anybody has any idea here?
Dear iggles22,
Thank you for your post. Please make sure that you have installed the right TeamViewer Host-App.
Next step is to assign the device to your TeamViewer account:
Then you will see the confirmation, that the device is assigned to your account:
The android host appears immediately in your Computer & Contact list
When you logged in with your TeamViewer account you can start an unattended remote session with a double click, no further confirmation is required.
I hope that my guide is helpful :smileywink:
I have not had any luck getting it to work.
I have downloaded the host and also the htc addon. The app tells me the device is assigned to me and taht it is ready to connect.
But from teamviewer on my laptop in the browser I am logged in and I see the device but then when try to connect get the message a connection is not possible to this device with this version of teamviewer
I was able to get it going. I had to purge data and cache on android, deinstall it, and reinstall it again. This did it., not quite sure why.
I will give it a try and let you know.
I downloaded version 12 and it works, but not with the new version.
I get the same error message. Have you figured this out yet?
But it doesn't work with a Windows shortcut like:
C:\Web\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe -i 9505xxxxx
Then i get a password prompt on Windows but on Android in the TeamViewer Host app i can't set a password or get a popup with a password (QuickSupport Add-On is installed).
When i tried to set a password for the Android device in the management console and set the Windows shortcut to:
C:\Web\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe -i 9505xxxxx --Password 123456
..TV starts on Windows and nothing more.