change name of quicksupport


Please tell me, how can i change the name quicksupport exe file from "TeamViewerQS_cs-idc7ht4m74.exe" to something like "team_qs.exe". When I removed "-idc7ht4m74" from quicksupport file name, it changed our logo, title and text looks like the default quicksupport.

Best Answer


  • DB
    DB Posts: 1

    I have the same problem!!!!

  • We have the same problem too

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    Hi pnovak, DB, Thierry69

    Thanks for your posts and welcome to the Community!

    TeamViewer uses SmartLink technology which uses the code from the file name to synchronize settings in the executable link from the cloud. 

    If you alter the executable link it will not apply the custom settings you have created and will only install the default TeamViewer module.

    You are provided with the option to create an SOS button which places a TeamViewer icon on your end user desktop after the initial connection, for future connections using your customized executable link.

    The SOS button is a redirect to your executable link and the name on the SOS button can be altered to reflect your desired display name.

    2016-12-26 13_36_16-TeamViewer Management ConsoleSOS.png



    2016-12-26 13_35_46-Program Manager.png




    2016-12-26 13_52_18-Program Manager4.png





    Hope this helps!

    All the best,


  • ... sorry, no this answer des not help. I do not want my customer to connect to TV website
    to download things that could be included (and always were) in the preconfigured teamviewer
    file. So the question remains, where can I download the preconfigured QS-file and rename it
    according to our needs (i. E. existing links in our websites...)

    Thank you for your help!

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    HI jockel,

    Thanks for your reply!

    Just for clarification, when you create your custom Quick Support in your Management Console you are provided with the cusotm URL for that module.

    You can customize the URL and provide to your customer's so they never have to go to the TeamViewer website.

    In addition, you can create a Support button for your website so that way you can guide your customer's to your own website to download your Quick Support module.

    This can be done visiting>

    You will start by selecting to use Own Link as pictured below and pasting your custom URL. Then select the Button style you want and you will be provided with the code to implement the new Button on your website.









    As mentioned previously, there is not a way to edit the executable link because if changed it will not apply your custom settings.

    Hope this is helpful!

    All the best,


  • jockel
    jockel Posts: 4

    Hello Jonathan,

    thank you, I know all this! But the question is not about buttons to be placed or URLs which can be modified. The (initial) question is, where can I download the readibly preconfigured QuickSupport Module which I can freely rename according to my needs ... like we had it all the years before?

    Please don´t tell me, it does not exist any more!?

    Best regards and a happy new year!


  • Jonathan,

    We have the same issue as well. We do not use a web link to run the quick support program. We bundle it in our software as TeamViewerQS.exe. We have done it this way for several years. In this fashion our users can access the branded Quick Support from a menu selection to get connected or use a key combination. It has worked like this since version 4 or 5 and is a very handy feature so our programers do not need to rename several internal links each time we get a new compile of the program.

    It would be disapointing for this one sticking point to cause my developers or boss to look for other connection methods.


    Steven A. Wheeler


  • jockel
    jockel Posts: 4

    Hello Jonathan,

    thank you for looking into this!
    I will be happily waiting for this feature to come back again!
    But until this time I will stay with the old version of
    Quicksupport tool, even if it lacks some features.

    Best regards

  • Hi,
    why is this thread set to solved? I checked about the missing feature today and I can still !not! rename the personalized Quicksupport Module to my needs. I would consider this thread "solved" once this previously available feature is back again and not a moment earlier!


  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Dear jockel,

    Thank you for your post.

    I marked this as an accepted solution, because what Jonathan said is totally correct. This is at the moment a feature request, and if you have any more ideas or feature requests, please post them in our "ideas board" where we will also do a follow up for the features:

    Jonathan has also added your request to our internal feature request tool - so everything here in this post is done from our side. Now the Product Management and Developement needs to step in :)

    If you have any other questions do not hesitate to contact us!

    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others.
    Find this helpful? Say thanks by clicking on the Thumbs Up button.
  • raillard
    raillard Posts: 1

    The cloud based lookup of our customizations, using an ID number that needed to be part of the .exe filename, was the only change that dismayed me about newer versions of TeamViewer QuickSupport, when I tested them in recent years. Still, I'm about to upgrade from Premium v8 to Premium v12, because the other features and improvements are now too compelling to skip.

    The ID number embedded in the .exe filename is not just a simple eyesore -- in my personal and professional opinion it makes the file look more suspicious and even malicious. Too many junk executables have random gibberish in their filenames, and requiring "gibberish" ID numbers just to get our customizations to show up, was a step in the wrong direction. It pleases me that this is now categorized as a feature request, and is hopefully being worked on.  I look forward to seeing this defect fixed.

    ~ Hans

  • mkahlert
    mkahlert Posts: 11

    Nice... you "solve" problems by putting them on any random lists... as soon as it is on a list, it is solved? Weird... At not useful to customers at all...

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi mkahlert,

    As previously mentioned, this is "Solved" because all of the relevant information has been given. The community is about looking for answers, this post contains the correct answer.

    We as moderators have put this in as a feature request based on this post, but we cannot guarantee if or when the requested feature will be available.

    It's the same as if someone asks to remotely control iOS devices, the correct answer is that this is not available at the moment and so this answer would be marked as "Solved". Feature requests are managed internally. We will not keep a community post open until a requested feature is available.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • Albert2
    Albert2 Posts: 1

    Hi Scotty,

    I have same problem with quicksupport renaming. I can agree with you that as a customer I look for answers but usually solving answers that means solutions. Facts are that there is not really a solution telling that things are depending on "Feature requests". Nice way of shifting problems to a not even sure future. About remotely controlling iOS devices example you are correct. It was never a feature. Unfortunately renaming quicksupport was a "feature" if we can call it so now lost. Maybe better mark with a  "red" check these so called solved threads. Thankyou.


  • So for all of you looking for a solution or workaround for this problem.

    Windows brings a program called iexpress.exe. It is located under system32 (64 Bit) or SysWOW64 (32 Bit). Start it as an Admin > Choose "Create new Self Extraction Directive file" > choose "Extract files and run an installation command" > Give it a title (that not the file name...just something) > No prompt > Do not Display License > Now click add and choose your TVQS.exe with your specific filename > Under Install Program choose your TVQS.exe > Post install command shall be empty > Choose Hidden > Choose No Message > Now browse for an output Path and Name and check both boxes (say yes on the prompt) > No Restart > Save SED File for later use (say you have to repackage) > Create Package

    I'd recommend the 32 Bit Variant of iexpress cause if you package with the 64 Bit one it won't start on 32 Bit machines. Now you can call the exe any way you want. Use a program like Resource Hacker to change the Icon.

    Ding Ding Ding

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    Hi All,

    The name of a Custom Module executable file can now freely be changed yet still the Custom Module dynamically applies the customization defined in the Management Console. (Applies only for TeamViewer 12 latest version)

    All the best,


  • I see that we can change the name of the customised TVQS file but you havent said how we do it or do we just rename the EXE?

  • Same question here. How I can change the name in the Management Console, there is no option to choose a name for the EXE? If I change the EXE's name (without my idcxxxxxx) my logo and message are gone.

  • Laurence
    Laurence Posts: 2

    Come on Teamviewer.

    You have deliberately written this in the program. So that if we rename the exe file it drops all the customisation and our logo and message are gone.

    I have a menu item in my program that that i have written that calls teamviewer and don't want to have to re-write my program just because I've updated teamviewer and had to create a new executable,

    As a programmer I know that this takes minutes to change and we have been waiting for more than 6 months.

  • Why is this only changed in version 12 and not 11 (or previous versions)

    Marking this as "solved" because all relevant information has been provided doesn't necessarily close the ticket, as it was a feature that was originally a feature of a version of the software we bought, and has been removed. 

    Asking it be reinstated isn't the same as "adding it to the feature request" list.

  • It is actually a big problem. My clients are not very familiar with computers and often download the module several times. Chrome, for example, change the name by adding the suffix (1) (2) etc ... to the file name and the module no longer works.

    It's absurd!

  • TheAsset
    TheAsset Posts: 5
    Yep. QS is supposed to be easy, but I often spend 20+ mins trying to guide users through finding the app on their desktop because the name is so confusing.
  • @Stellinger 

    run program iexpress.exe as administrator, in case of error