Show black all screens


I have got a remote laptop with external display monitor, so i have got 2 screen when i connect remotely to my laptop.
I would like to disable both screens but when i clicked "Disable remote input and show black screen" from "Action" menu only laptop screen will be blacked out. 
How could i show black screen on laptop and monitor display?

Thanks in advance.



  • Any feedback about my post?
  • W_deFazio
    W_deFazio Posts: 22 Staff member 🤠

    Hello pvtpeter,

    Thank you for your post.

    Because the monitor is not connected to the video card directly, that's a normal behavior with Laptops. TeamViewer will only be able to show black screen to the default screens, or the ones that are connected and configured from the video card.

    Have a good week!!!


  • Hi W_deFazio,

    Thanks for your reply.
    OK, i understand it, but what is the solution if i would like to show black all screens?
    Any workaround about this problem?

    I think "Show black screen" is a very good feature, but now it is a deficient feature.
    I think, the best solution is the configurable "Show balck screen".
    The users should be able to determine which screen will be black.

  • joesd
    joesd Posts: 2

    Teaviewer 12 does this with a desktop as well. Both monitors connected to video card. One monitor blanks out and the other stys visible. I found out when someone called me and told me sensitive spreadsheets were visible on my computer in the office while i was working from home.

  • dsh
    dsh Posts: 1

    Same issue here running multiple screens on a docking station.

    Only one screen becomes black, the rest are visible to whoever is watching.

  • glenwms
    glenwms Posts: 5

    Yes, this needs to be resolved some way or some how......I have a laptop docked in to a Dell docking station.  My laptop blacks out just fine, but you would think TeamViewer would be able to detect the other 2 external monitors to black them out as well.  This is frustrating and can be a deal-killer for us.  I really don't want to look at other solutions in the future, but this is huge for us.

  • So basically this is not a solution and there is no privacy. Just attach an external monitor to the laptop and bingo you can see what others are working on. I loved Team Viewer but this needs to be addressed 

  • glenwms
    glenwms Posts: 5

    Exactly....still a major issue with our company.

  • This is easy enough to work around:

    1 - Block remote input
    2 - Remove everything that is "private" from all but the laptop screen

  • Thank you for the unnecessary comment.
    This we already knew.