Teamviewer 13.0.5058 Fullscreen not work

yogifrog Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in General questions

Hi, i have a problem with the Final Version of Teamviewer 13, with Beta Version Fullscreen works perfectly, now with the Final Version when click on Fullscreen, the Windows taskbar does not fade out

what can i do, Unfortunately, there is no longer the beta version to download that would fix the problem temporarily


Best Answer



  • JLE
    JLE Posts: 13

    I downgraded to TV12 and it works. 

  • my workaround is using Version 13.0.3711.88039 i just have copied program files from a 3day old system backup and it works.

    13.0.3711.88039 Fullscreen works Perfect

    with 13.0.5058 Fullscreen is Crippled

  • I have the same problem with fullscreen. The taskbar from the local computer remains when I go to fullscreen with a remote computer with the same display size (1920 x 1080 in my case).

    You can work around it by closing the remote screen and reopening it.

    I hope Teamviewer fixes this pretty soon.

  • i have noticed this issue in the last version of teamviewer 12 too

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    Thank you so much for your contribution.

    I could reproduce the behavior and forwarded it to our development. I will keep you updated.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    I'm having the same issue and the suggestion of closing and reopening the session does not work.

  • I also am working with support. 
    They didn't seem to beleive me at first, but we'll get them convinced.
    My screens are 1920 x 1200

  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    An odd workaround that worked for me...  YMMV...  minimize the session and restore it.  Poof!  Full screen.

  • Same problem. None of the quick fixes worked for me. (minimize/restore and close/reopen)

  • I was contacted by support. 
    They are taking this seriously, they simply need more information to fully understand the issue.
    I am working with them.

  • Same issue here. Please guys, fix this ASAP!

  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    What additional information do they need?

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi all,

    I forwarded it to our development, it's a bug in the current version and they are working on a solution. We do not have an official workaround at the moment and we do not need further information since we can reproduce the problem :)

    Again a big thank you to all of you for your input here.

    I will keep you updated!

    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    I know someone said they tried my "minimize / restore" workaround but I just tried it on a second device and it worked there too so i wanted to share more detail.  Here's what I have done...

    1) open the session

    2) set to full screen

    3) minize the session

    4) restore the session by clicking it on the task bar

    This has worked for me starting the session from a Windows 7 desktop and a Windows 10 laptop.  I hope it helps someone else.

  • Thank you for your comments..  The minimize trick worked for me as well.   I hope there is a permanent fix soon.

  • same issue here - minimize and restore fixed it!

  • dr_p
    dr_p Posts: 1

    Same problem here 13.0.5058

    Minimizing trick works for me too.

    Hope they fix this soon, as I keep using the wrong taskbar. It's causing havoc here.

  • trent
    trent Posts: 1

    Same issue here, both remote and local displays are on 1080P, but the remote is showing in "window", I still see the taskbad of the local computer, in other words, the remote is not stretching to the maximum size.

    BTW, the minimize trick doesnt work for me

  • The minimize/restore trick only works occassionaly for me. What always works is:

    - PC Settings -> Personalization -> Taskbar -> hide task bar in desktop mode = On
    - Maximize TeamViewer session, will be fullscreen
    - Restore hide taskbar to Off

    The session window will behave as long as you keep it in fullscreen mode.

  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    That sounds like you're referring to Windows 10.  I haven't tested your workaround on my Windows 10 system and I don't think the equivalent settings are available in Windows 7 or I just don't know what they are off the top of my head...  My workaround has been for Windows 7 primarily though it did work on my Win10 laptop too.

  • Windows 10 host and client here. Minimize trick does not work

    Just updated to 13.0.5640 hoping the bug was fixed but no luck. Bug continues in latest build

  • @Codeplug wrote:

    The minimize/restore trick only works occassionaly for me. What always works is:

    - PC Settings -> Personalization -> Taskbar -> hide task bar in desktop mode = On
    - Maximize TeamViewer session, will be fullscreen
    - Restore hide taskbar to Off

    The session window will behave as long as you keep it in fullscreen mode.

    The hero we need, but don't deserve. Thank you!

  • anthws
    anthws Posts: 11

    Full Screen > Minimize > Restore works every time for me...  this time re-checking from Win10 system.  Fastest solution for those for whom it works.  

    BTW, if it doesn't work for you... are you doing it "right"?  Doesn't work if you just minimize and Restore... You have to do Full Screen first, then minimize, then restore.

  • Can confirm Codeplug method works

    - PC Settings -> Personalization -> Taskbar -> hide task bar in desktop mode = On
    - Maximize TeamViewer session, will be fullscreen
    - Restore hide taskbar to Off

    Fullscreen->Minimize->Restore does not work for me. Using Windows 10 host and client

    Surprises me Teamviewer hasn't fixed this in over a weeks time

  • I'm also doing Win 10 host to client exclusively - both fully updated.

    >> The minimize/restore trick only works occassionaly for me.
    What is strange is that the Full Screen > Minimize > Restore method worked for me several times for a few days until it just stopped working. Maybe due to upgrade? I'm on 13.0.5640 now.


  • the problem with hiding the taskbar is i don;'t want to have to do it eveytime. i just want it to work the way it was working before.

  • UUUuuuuuuggGGGGhhhhhhHHHh.............. :manmad:

  • Does Teamviewer have a group of testers? I can't believe they released these versions with such a huge bug. It's also frustrating how long it takes them to release bug fixes although I use it non-commercially so I guess I can't complain.

  • Hi.

    Same here. The trick does not work anymore since I have upgraded to 13.0.5640.

    Can"t believe it...

  • 13.0.5640 - same problem on Windows 7 :( Please fix asap !