Debian Stable (Stretch 9.3)
TeamViewer 13.0.6634
Been trying to migrate from TV12. The first issue I had was the GUI not appearing. That issue was addressed with a post here. I eventually identified the problem as being the lack of a display manager on my system. I prefer for my machine to simply boot to terminal and, when I need a graphical environment, I start one with 'startx'
So the installed version worked for me after installing lightdm, but I'd like to get back to my previous arrangement (without lightdm). In that previous exchange, it was suggested that the uninstalled tar package should work without a display manager present.
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case yet. The behavior of the tar package seems to be the same as the installed package—failing to display anything without generating any kind of error. I made sure to run the check script:
Here's the output to terminal from manually installing qtquickcontrols through attempting to launch:
Thanks for your continued efforts to get this native Linux version up and working for everyone.