Can not connect to remote computer w/o remote manually accepting connection

I just set up TV13. Remote computer is running Windows7. I am trying to connect to the remote computer using TV13 on a Mac laptop. I can do so only if someone is at the remote computer to click on the "accept connection" button. As far as I can tell (I am a first time user) I have selected the appropriate settings in the configurations menus. The Mac TV shows 3 ways to connect, the main "Connect" button, which has no options, and the side panel which has two options - I have clicked on both. All three produce the same result. Re. the connect "using password" option, what password is supposed to be used? Thanks, Roger

Best Answer


  • Firstly do NOT use Teamviewer 13 - it has just been released and has issues. Uninstall both. When you uninstall on the target computer be sure to select the option to remoce all settings - this will give you a clean start when you install the version 12. TIP: on the remote (in your case windows 7) there is no need to install the full version of teamviewer if you are only ever going to connect TO it. It uses less memory and has a lower footprint. When you install the remote, if it is the "HOST" version you will be asked to add a password during the setup that you will use to connect to from the remote (without being asked for confirmation). If you intslall the FULL version you will need to run annatended access: Connection>Setup Unattended Access

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    Thank you DesertSweeper. I have uninstalled on both computers. I am looking at the V12 downloads. For the computer that will only be connected to (the Win7 computer that I want to access from another computer), which version do I install, "Host", "Portable", "Quickjoin"?  Thanks



  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    Ah, I found the v12 manual. It says I should install "host" on the computer I want to access. I will do that and install the "Teamviewer" version on the other computer.

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    DesertSweeper, I installed "Host" on the Win7 computer, and "Teamviewer" on the Mac. This did not fix the problem. The "host" computer is still showing the "confirm access to screen" box when I try to connect. Any other ideas?

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    This is worse. This V12 setup is not giving me access to control the remote computer, only to view the screen. The previous V13 setup did allow me control once I confirmed the connection. What should I do?

  • Did you slect the option to remove settings when you uninstalled Teamviewer 13? Also check this setting on the host:

    Options > Advanced > Advanced settings for connections to other computers > Access Control must be 'Full access'.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Lucidus,

    Thanks for your post.

    Firstly, we DO recommend you use V13. We release new versions every year, but the software has been out since November last year and went through testing before that.

    When you are connecting, if you select "Prompt for confirmation" then this will occur. If you connect with a password, you can use:

    a) The random password on the front of the software (This changes)
    b) An "unattended" password that is normally set when you install the software. (host or full version)
    if you did not set up a password or do not remember, just go into the options and under "Security" you will see you can set a new password by entering it in the fields provided.
    Options - Security - Permanent password.png

    However, in your case, I believe there is a setting FORCING this "Confirmation". This can be set on either side.

    On your side, please go into Settings > Advanced.
    Under the heading Advanced settings for connection to OTHER computers, make sure Access Control is set to Full access.
    Advanced Settings for connections to other computers.PNG

    On the remote side, please go into Settings > Advanced.
    Under the heading Advanced settings for connection to THIS computer, make sure Access Control is set to Full access.
    Advanced Settings for connections to This computer.PNG


    I hope this answers this for you :)

    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Lucidus,

    Thanks for your post.

    Firstly, we DO recommend you use V13. We release new versions every year, but the software has been out since November last year and went through testing before that.

    When you are connecting, if you select "Prompt for confirmation" then this will occur. If you connect with a password, you can use:

    a) The random password on the front of the software (This changes)
    b) An "unattended" password that is normally set when you install the software. (host or full version)
    if you did not set up a password or do not remember, just go into the options and under "Security" you will see you can set a new password by entering it in the fields provided.
    Options - Security - Permanent password.png

    However, in your case, I believe there is a setting FORCING this "Confirmation". This can be set on either side.

    On your side, please go into Settings > Advanced.
    Under the heading Advanced settings for connection to OTHER computers, make sure Access Control is set to Full access.
    Advanced Settings for connections to other computers.PNG

    On the remote side, please go into Settings > Advanced.
    Under the heading Advanced settings for connection to THIS computer, make sure Access Control is set to Full access.
    Advanced Settings for connections to This computer.PNG


    I hope this answers this for you :)

    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • Yup like I said those settings, excepting for the TV13 bit - we have tested it and find repeatable demonstrable issues we have raised with Teamviewer that they have not yet addressed. My personal advice based on this is to stick with 12. We control several hundred computers with Teamviewer all over the world.

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    Thank you Scotty for trying to help. I believe I have configured both computers as per your instructions. I am still using V12 but the config menus are very similar. I reset the password on both computers. The problem persists. Even when I accept the connection on the remote computer all this provides is access to viewing the screen, not being able to control the computer. I can do no more on this tonight.

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    DesertSweeper, yes I did both of those things.

  • Lucidus
    Lucidus Posts: 11

    I am reposting this reply as the previous one did not appear. Thanks DesertSweeper, I set up a 2nd Win7 laptop with a TV12 "basic" install. With this one the connection worked perfectly, no request for confirmation. I then tried the Mac laptop again - surprisingly it too now worked w/o my changing anything! There was one odd thing when I started TV on the Mac, the initial setup box appeared (the one where you enter a password if you wish to have remote access to this computer), I just skipped out, like I had before, and when it to the main boxes everything worked fine. Anyway, it is now working. Thanks DesertSweeper and Scotty for the help, much appreciated. Best wishes.