When I'm controlling a remote windows machine, how do I send a keystroke like "alt+tab"? Is there a virtual keyboard that I'm missing?
Hi there WildDoktor,
Thanks for posting in the Community!
To send special key entries to the remote computer during a session, access the tool bar located at the top of the screen.
Select “Actions”tab and under the “Remote Interaction” section, you should be able to check the box for “Send key combinations”.
By doing so, you will be able to execute commands mentioned in your post on the remote computer.
Hope this helps.
Thanks again
Using Teamviewer for mac 13.1.4170
Can't find this option ANYWHERE.
I am using the TeamViewer 14 Linux client to access a Windows 10 host. I cannot find this option in any of the places mentioned above. Is it supported in my setup at all?
I was using a windows app which did not have this option. After i installed the desktop application its working well now. thank you!
Doesn't work for me. The option is selected, still CMD-ALT-ESC doesn't work on my remote
(OSX Mavericks to MacOS Sierra)
Hi I did this and ticked the send key combinations , but my f9 key still wont work on the remote PC, has anyone else experienced this and perhaps got a further solution?
many thanks
Chrome OS version doesnt seem to have this option, or am i missing something?
I had no “Send key combinations” option...
How do I enable this option?
I dont see this option on the windows app. Is this hiding somewhere?
Even still, I cannot send certain key combinations. For Instance "Win + D" and "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q" doesn't seem to work. Should I enable anything else? FYI: I am connecting to a Ubuntu Machine from a Windows Machine.
I am using Teamviewer 14 aswell on both host and client but this option does not seem to be supported on linux.
Did anyone find a solution to this?
So clearly to this date, this option is still missing from teamviewer desktop app for linux. Is development team thinking of implementing it at all?
i'm using V15 and have this option activated, but the key ALT-1 is not sendet to the remote Desktop.
i need this for the applikation Dexpot - this is a multidesktoptool.
kindly regards,Lars
I wonder if this does not work because I am using the Free version of teamviewer ?
In my case i use the commercial version
so it may be because I'm usig the free version? I would be interested to know.
If you cannot find the Actions tab as described in the recommended answer, it is because there is no Actions tab on the client application itself. You have to open a VM and then look for the UI.
1 Open the virtual machine instance up you want to send keystrokes through.
2 Look for the interface on top of the actual virtual machine screen. It may be hidden and looks like a small grey rectangle on the top of the screen.
3 If its not hidden you will see a lightning bolt icon called Actions. Send key combinations is here. Check mark the setting and you are good to go
I had the same problem when I used TV Desktop to start a microsoft RDP session into our server - the shift button didn't even work! Here's why.... Even though I had checked 'Send Key Combinations' it still did not fix the problem. When I Unchecked 'Disable remote input' on the Actions tab - that fixed it! I could send special key combinations! To me, this is a bug and should be fixed (are you listening Teamviewer???) since it is bad security to leave 'Disable remote input' unchecked!
Well, it's not sending ANY combination shortcuts to after effects (from osx 10.13.6 to win10).
It's working for me, however I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to toggle this.
For instance when I want to stay in the remote computer I want Alt+Tab to switch windows in the remote computer (within Teamviewer), but when I want to come back to my host then I want Alt-Tab to switch windows on the host (between Teamview and other running apps)... BUT I don't want to have to go back into the menu manually and open the right tab and then click to check/uncheck the Send Key Combinations option... I just want to press a special key or combination that bypasses it and toggles the option (like Right Ctrl key in VirtualBox, for instance).
Is there any such key or combination to do this? Or anyway to program it?
I'm using Teamviewer Zorin 16.2 (Ubuntu 20.04) to access a Windows 10 remote computer.
Still nothing?