Installare Windows su pc a distanza

UtenteTeam Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Ciao a tutti.


Si può installare windows oppure Linux su un computer a distanza con temaviewer?

Ho un amica che vive fuori Italia e mi ha chiesto se potevo installargli windows sul computer ma non so come fare, potete darmi un aiuto?


  • Katharina
    Katharina Posts: 135 [Former Staff]

    Hi UtenteTeam,

    Thank you for your message.

    Since we want as many users as possible to be able to benefit from your posts, we would kindly ask you to post in English in the future. Thank you!

    In answer to your question: The use of TeamViewer always requires a fully functioning operating system on both sides of the connection. Without an operating system, it will not be possible to install or run any version of TeamViewer.

    That is why it is unfortunately not possible to connect via TeamViewer to an otherwise empty hard drive to install the operating system remotely.

    If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to let me know!

    All the best,
