User acceptance

iwilliams Posts: 6
edited May 2023 in General questions

With TeamViewer 11.0.66695, can it be set to where on a corporate network, when connecting to a users computer, they have to 'accept/allow' the connection?




Best Answer


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @iwilliams

    Yes, that should be possible.

    You can make this setting individually for your remote devices or make it on your device for all outgoing connection:

    If you would like to make the setting on dedicated remote devices, please make the following setting on these devices:

    Extras --> Options --> Advanced --> Show advanced options --> Under Advanced settings for connections to this computer --> Access Control --> Choose Custom Settings --> Click Configure --> Connect and view my screen --> Choose After confirmation 

    This image makes it much clearer:


    If you would like to make the setting on your device for outgoing connections:

    Extras --> Options --> Advanced --> Show advanced options --> Under Advanced settings for connections to other computers --> Access Control --> Choose Custom Settings --> Click Configure --> Connect and view my screen --> Choose After confirmation 

    Also here a helpful image: 



    I hope this will help you,


    Former Community Manager

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi again,

    you can create a policy and assign it to all your devices in your company. 

    Just choose the setting you would like to deploy (and maybe force) in the Dropdown menu and make your custom setting. In your case: Access control (Outgoing connections) 


     I hope that helps you.

    All the best, Esther

    Former Community Manager