Locking remote computer at the end of session



  • I just found a workaround that seems to work for us and which I'll deploy shortly.

    Removing the "Lock Computer" from the "Ctrl + Alt + Del" menu by GPO seems to fix it in my case.

    I found this here: https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/TeamViewer-11/how-can-prevent-to-lock-computer-when-connection-close/m-p/33906/highlight/true#M1986

    @User51973: We are still very unhappy with this mess! Please address the questions that have been asked by paying costumers.
  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠


    The fix is now included in the official version.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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    • Can you please tell us the specific version?
    • Will this fix be available in Version 12?
  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi ialreadyhaveone,

    The fix is for version 13 - I do not know when and if we will publish a fix for version 12. I already forwarded it to our prodcut management.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • Thank you!!!!! I finally have an official statement on the issue!
  • The Teamviewer Windows download page 


    Still shows version 13.1.3629 but the download Properties>Details shows version 13.2.5287. I only use Teamviewer to access my homne computer so not much of a test, but at least mine works

  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi warrior161,

    Thank you for your feedback - I will forward it internally to the responsible department :)

    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • glnz
    glnz Posts: 44
    Julia -
    1) Will this also be fixed in the "portable" version of TV 13, which I use on my computer at work to access my home computer?
    2) Please re-send the link to the "portable" version so I can download it.
    3) I wrote above that "ALSO - and I think this is related - Teamviewer will change the screen "Appearance" settings on the target (Master?) PC. It does this erratically but frequently when I'm at my 7 PC and use TV to access my home XP machine - it turns on "Fade" on the XP machine in Display Properties - Advanced - Effects."
    Has this also been fixed?
  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi glnz,

    Thank you for your questions.

    1. It should also be fixed for the portable in V13

    2. You can find the dowload here: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/

    3. To be honest - I am not aware of a bug like that. Can you please check if it's still an issue and if yes, can you open a new thread here, link me and I will forward it to our development?

    I hope my answers help.


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • I have been also experiencing this issue and our company is currently running TeamViewer 14.1.3399. I have my settings configured to never allow it to lock the remote computer as I disconnect my session. What I have noticed is it will set itself to lock the remote computer if I remote in when no one is currently logged into it. If a user is logged in before I remote in, then it doesn't force me to lock upon disconnection. I know I had this problem also on previous versions, and we remote into a lot of different machines each day. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! This particular issue gets under my skin when it happens. Other than that, this software is great!

  • p123
    p123 Posts: 4

    I am experiencing it on a Mac connecting to a Mac. Both running 14.1.9025. Extremely aggravating. In addition, the Mac version of TV does NOT have a setting to decide what should be done when disconnection occurs. So there is no way to set it to NOT disconnect. The problem did NOT use to happen in the past (can't recall which version).

  • Discord37
    Discord37 Posts: 11

    This issue just came back for me. Happening on laptops only, my desktop is not locking when I disconnect from it. I am 100% sure my setting is correct to supposedly never lock.

    A few updates ago it started again but I thought maybe it's just a Win 7 issue and I ignored it since I was getting a new laptop soon. I just set up the new laptop and installed TV, made sure never lock was selected, but it's locking when I connect to it and end the session.

    Also an access controls details window pops up.

    Win 10
  • RHammer
    RHammer Posts: 1

    It seems to me to be related to remotely rebooting the computer.  

    For me, from TeamViewer, rebooting the computer and then coming back to the computer after it boots up, the "Lock Computer" setting is checked (although it is deselected before the reboot).  


    Hope that helps.


  • Discord37
    Discord37 Posts: 11

    When this happens I have not rebooted the remote computer at any point. I have just eneded my session.

    Win 10
  • Having the same issue with Mac, seems there is no fix and you have to remember to uncheck the setting on every session. If you do not, then the remote machine needs a restart before TeamViewer can connect again...


  • @Julia  Is there a fix for Mac on Version 14.2.8352 so that it can be set as default?

  • miking7
    miking7 Posts: 1

    Why is this issue taking so long to be resolved?  This is April 2020 and still there is no option to permanently disable this in TeamViewer for Mac.  We are a paid customer using Mac version 15.0.24


  • This worked for me !
    Changing to automatic on 'my' PC and then verify the unlock setting on the remote PC (wich was changed to 'lock when session ends'').


    Thanks :)