Changing which end user created ticket

My boss has forwared a e-mail on to the service desk and its created a ticket under his name, i can see if i edit button but that changes his account .. am i being silly is there a way i can change who this ticket was created by sow hen i do a reply it goes to them and not back to mu boss. 


Best Answer


  • Thanks for this 

    Would you have any feature list or road map of coming features over Q2 – Q3 and 4 :-0



  • Any further word on both this 'functionality' (being able to edit the ticket owner/customer) and a roadmap for upcoming improvements?

  • Hi

    The solution below said that it would be available in Q2/Q3.  It is now 1 and a half years later and this function is still not available from what I can see.

    As a work around I have been forwarding emails changing the From user in the email to the requester.  However, we have just been aquired by a larger company and have office 365 so I no longer have this ability.

    I need to be able to do this as people send me emails and I have to forward them into the service desk.

    Please help!



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