Convert a recorded TeamViewer session on MAC

Our company just moved away from *bleep* to TeamViewer.

We are very happy with the move, that is until we found out that TeamViewer saves in TVS format and it is only possible for our Windows users to convert the tvs files. 

This creates a problem in a mixed it environment with MacOS, Linux Ubunto and Windows which means that only 1/3 of the users I have can now record their session for documentation and convert it. 


We can't be the only ones that need TeamViewer to be able to convert on all the platforms.

We have a Corporate License and over 100 users. Not the biggest amount but big enough.


Kind Regards

Lars Freisig




[Link to 3rd part website removed - we recommend to download TeamViewer only from our website - Thanks for your understanding]




Best Answer


  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi all,

    Thank you for the interesting thread.

    Just as a note: TeamViewer does not own or offer this service provided in the link above. Please be careful when using 3rd party services.

    Best regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Wow....great with the link and it works. Would have loved that it would be possible to do within the app on my mac now that there is quicktime and it is possible to do and link to that. It makes more sence to be able to convert to mp4 than to AVI which you can do on the windows platform.

  • There is still no solution to my question!!

    The is temporary workaround not a solution!!!

    We need to be able to convert from within the app itself to a format and not have to pay for external services!! We pay enough for the license to Teamviewer in the first place.

    So as said in another replay quicktime is in MacOS so why not let it be able to convert to either MOV or MP4. It simply makes no sence that the Windows version can and the Mac version can't. PLEASE FIX!!

  • I have this demand, too. Why isn't it possible to record and convert session video on macOS plattform. Disappointing.

    @larsfreisig wrote:

    There is still no solution to my question!!

    The is temporary workaround not a solution!!!

    We need to be able to convert from within the app itself to a format and not have to pay for external services!! We pay enough for the license to Teamviewer in the first place.

    So as said in another replay quicktime is in MacOS so why not let it be able to convert to either MOV or MP4. It simply makes no sence that the Windows version can and the Mac version can't. PLEASE FIX!!


  • Sorry,

    just to do an UP!

    I'm administrating windows-PC from Linux. I really need to convert tvs file into AVI!

    The is really a bad idea, we risk to expose "sensible" datas to an external service.

    We precisely use teamviewer to avoid risks, and because of the format of your videos, we break security approach... unbelievable, isn't it?

    Please, give us a solution, or better, give the choice to use some video-format

  • Marcati
    Marcati Posts: 1

    wow! 4 years and nothing! 😒

  • lbampi
    lbampi Posts: 1

    6 years and no solution yet! Very disappointed! 😤