Prevent users from sending invites

D_Ford Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions


I was looking through the policies within team viewer and I didnt see this as an option so I thought I would ask in case I passed it over. We have a security camera system that is serviced by third party. When we need assitance from this third party, I want to give them the ability to access the system remotely. 

Here's the rub. I can give them access to our team viewer account so they can access those machines (Ive put policies in place so that only someone on our account can access the machines), but I want to make sure they cant hitch a free ride on our account. Ideally, this would come in the form of allowing them access to the security camera servers and not being able to send out meeting invites or allow them to connect to any other machines. Thoughts/suggestions?


  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi D_Ford

    Thanks for posting!

    That is a very good use case. However, there are no restrictions on accounts that can be put in place to implement this.

    However, I can think of an alternate solution. You could place the licence on the servers themselves rather than on an account you give to them. You can do this under Extras > Activate Licence if it's the full version or using a .reg file exported with the licence key included.

    We don't normally recommend that you activate licences this way if you can licence accounts, but in your case I believe this would be the best solution. Then, simply place the servers you want them to access in a separate group in your contacts list, set up a free account and share this group to the unlicenced account.

    Now, they can access those devices and be licenced, but if they connect to anything else, they will not be using your licence as the licence is provided by the servers not the account.

    I hope this helps!


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