Where is the Partner ID on Chromebook?

deedeewagner37 Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Where is the partner ID on Chromebook? I can't find it anywhere. It's a different GUI than Windows. Don't see it anywhere.  I need to be able to remotely control the chromebook but all I find is how to get the chromebook to remotely control another computer.


  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi deedeewagner37,

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to remotely control a chromebook with TeamViewer.
    It is only possible to make outbound connections sorry.

    Please see our Supported OS article for this information as well.


    Senior Moderator
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  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @deedeewagner37,

    As we say...better late than never! ?

    We are happy to announce that you can now share the screen of your devices running ChromeOS. ?

    If you want to connect via unattended access, please use the TeamViewer Host.
    If you want to connect spontaneously, please use the TeamViewer QuickSupport.

    You will find the download links here:

    Alternatively, you can also download these versions directly on our website here: TeamViewer for Chrome OS

    Please also find additional information here: Supported platforms - Chrome OS 

    Feel free to share your feedback!

    Have a good end of the week. and stay safe! ?



    Community Manager

  • Hi Jean,

    I tried to download the app from the links provided.

    The problem is that most computer chromebooks OS won't allow installation from Google Play, but from Cromebook store.

    On the other hand, Just to be clear: if I want to remote control a Cromebook computer, I need to install the TVhost on the chromebook right?

    Why don't you guys allow this remote control when the Cromebook computer connect to a group(account), and after the device is trusted?

