How to use multiple versions of TeamViewer

I need to be able to use two different versions of TeamViewer.  I need to be able to connect to some computers with TeamViewer 10, and some computers with TeamViewer 11.  I have licenses for both versions of TeamViewer (two different clients), however I can only install one version of TeamViewer on my PC.  How am I supposed to handle this situation?

Best Answer


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @nakazato1

    If you are only talking about outgoing connections: TeamViewer is downwards compatible. Therefor you can just have your TeamViewer 11 on your device and connect both to the TeamViewer 10 and TeamViewer 11 versions.

    Otherwise, you can download the normal TeamViewer 11 full version and the TeamViewer Portable for TeamViewer 10.

    Hope this helps you.

    Best, Esther



    Former Community Manager

  • Esther,

    I currently have TeamViewer 11 installed on my PC.  Whenever I connect to the systems that are running TeamViewer 10, TeamViewer doesn't seem to recognize my license.  TeamViewer eventually stopped me from connecting to the systems with TeamViewer 10 on them.  I can however connect to the systems if I use a PC that has TeamViewer 10 on it.  Is there an issue with my license or account?

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi again,

    it sounds to me, that your TeamViewer account is currently only licensed with the TeamViewer 10 plan.

    Can you get your administrator to assign the TeamViewer 11 license to your account. You only need this one both for connection to TeamViewer 10 and 11.

    Thanks and best, Esther


    Former Community Manager

  • Unfortunately, the TeamViewer licenses belong to different clients. This is the main reason why I need to have the two different versions installed at the same time.


  • Esther,

    Thanks for the portable workaround suggestion.  This did exactly what I was wanting to do.

    It would be nice if multiple versions of TeamViewer could actually be installed on a system, so that you don't have to close down your currently running one in order to run the portable one.