Inboxes not receiving and starting tickets

We just started up our service camp a few days ago and got the customer portal working. Which is great but, we would like our users to be able to email our support inbox and auto-open tickets for them. However when we send an email to the inbox, it will send out and is allowed by our email gateway but, eventually we get an email back saying the connection timed out and the email was not able to make it.

Best Answer


  • Yervand_PM
    Yervand_PM Posts: 102 Staff member 🤠


    Please send your instance URL and inbox name in private message for further investigation.


    Product Owner
  • Has this been looked into?
  • Yervand_PM
    Yervand_PM Posts: 102 Staff member 🤠


    Our team is investigating your issue. Additinnaly could you please let us know is this timeout issue is appearing when your are sending emails to your inbox mail from everywhere or only from your network.

    Please also send in private message example of timeout mail that you are getting back.

    Product Owner