IP Addresses for TeamViewer services



Please can you provide the list of IP addresses used by TeamViewer services for configure the rules in my network firewall?



  • savalos81
    savalos81 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I would like that as well, my client got hit with ransomware from Germany and Russia and your site is stating that in order for Teamviewer to work we need to disable GEO IP filtering and allow all connections for ports 5938, 80 and 443 from any IP address to access the internal network in order to get TeamViewer to work and this is not acceptable

  • Akiho
    Akiho Posts: 1,216 Moderator

    Hi @savalos81,

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the community!!

    The TeamViewer software makes connections to our master servers and resources located around the world.

    These servers use a number of different IP address ranges, which are also frequently changing. As such, we are unable to provide a list of our server IPs. Having said that, this should not really be necessary as TeamViewer only ever initiates outgoing data connections.

    You should only need to allow OUTGOING connections over ports 5938, 443 and 80, and all of our resources have PTR records that resolve to *.teamviewer.com. You can use this to restrict the destinations that you allow through your firewall or proxy server.

    You can also see our security page here: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/trust-center/security/#destination-ip-address 

    Thank you in advance for your understandings and patience.

    Best regards,


    Japanese Community Moderator / コミュニティモデレーター