TeamViewer 14 MSI installation causes the online status to be no longer recognized

BSC_BW Posts: 6
edited May 2023 in General questions


unfortunately the TeamViewer support doesn't seem to be able to react too fast at the moment, so here again the problem already reported by ticket: We installed TeamViewer 14 today over MSI. On all clients that did not have DIRECT INTERNET ACCESS at the time of installation, TeamViewer does not get an ID anymore! Even if the client is provided with Internet access (direct or proxy) after the installation, the software remains offline.

The only possibility is to downgrade to version 13. Is the bug known and how can the issue be fixed?

On an affected client the Quick Support Module cannot get an ID either, so TeamViewer has eliminated itself here - superb. Whatever...very unsatisfactory!

Best regards,



  • TSchm
    TSchm Posts: 1
    Same problem here
  • I wonder what the esteemed "experts" have been doing over the last few weeks!
    First, standard users are "seduced" into BETA versions (not to make it too easy for the companies that have to support them - incompatibilities between version 13 and 14) and then the simplest MSI installation doesn't work, not to mention other TeamViewer failures...that costs unnecessary time and nerves!

    And at the same time you have to listen to the marketing nonsense, how much time you can save and how much percent the performance has increased...:smileymad:

  • A new TeamViewer msi version has been released (v. 14.0.13488.0). The update seems to resolve the problem. Thanks!

  • The problem appears to have been only partially resolved. Clients behind a proxy server still remain offline, even with the new version.

  • Correct, Client behind Proxy are offline!

  • Only a short update: The today released version (14.0.13880.0) seems to fix the problem completely now.

    So far I couldn't find any client that shows problems to get an ID...but you never know... :smileywink: