Just tried deployment of TV14 using the standard way (manual install on a fresh and clean machine, configure, reg export, create deploy package using msi and reg, deploy on another clean machine, find bug, curse the devs). This time, it seems that the sheer existence of HKLM/Software/Teamviewer/DefaultSettings/MinimizeToTray (regardless of setting) causes TV14 to think that this value is set to 1, because after deployment on a fresh machine (with the reg values in place before MSI install),
a) closing the window using the X or Alt-F4 minimizes to tray
b) trying to export the reg again causes a window saying that password security must be set to High because either "Run on Startup" or "Minimize to Tray" is set.
I checked the options, both checkboxes are unset. Setting, saving and unsetting them does not change a **bleep** thing.
Please fix ASAP! Considering this problem and the proxy bugs, TV14 is not ready for mass deployment in its current state.