Update now to the most recent TeamViewer Remote version 15.63. See the Changelogs here.

[Windows] v14.0.13880 (Full) - Change Log

Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

We released a new version of the Windows full version.

Operating system: Windows

Version: v14.0.13880 (Full)

Release date: 2018-11-13

Change Log:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented TeamViewer from connecting properly to the TeamViewer network when using special firewall configurations
  • Solved some other issues which caused crashes

  • Minor improvements and fixes

And of course all updates from the TeamViewer 14 release:

Windows v14.0.8346 (Full) - Change Log - Preview

Windows v14.0.12762 (Full) - Change Log

Get your TeamViewer 14 Final version here!

Former Community Manager



  • Hi, since versione 14, in Windows 7 (not Windows XP or Windows 10), the main interface is a little "messed up".

    Here's a screenshot from Windows 7:

    Teamviewer 7.png

    and here is a screenshot from Windows 10:

    Teamviewer 10.png

    Can you also take a look at this topic:








  • I found 2 bugs v14 and they don't happen always. a) Without activating the Teamviewer window, the mouse movement is transferred to the remote computer. b) Without active TV remote window, the SHIFT key and probably other keys are transferred to the remote computer. When I'm writing a text while watching a remote session, the remote computer cannot write correct text in this case.
  • As problem b), if I've well understood, it's a very old problem, which also happen using **Third Party Product**:

    for example, sometimes, the windows (menu) key is "transferred" to the remote computer.

    The fastest and trivial solution is to open the remote computer window and click the windows key. Automagically, minimizing the remote computer window, the control of the keys is returned to the main computer again.