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Operating system: Windows Version: 15.64.3 Release date: 2025-03-25 New features Tensor users with connection reporting enabled can now access additional system information through the connection reporting API, including OS version, CPU type, and other system data. It is now possible to view and manage the TeamViewer…
Hello. Our business has a Tensor account and we've deployed the TeamViewer host to several thousand PCs with Win 10. We will possibly upgrade them to Win 11 in the next few months. I had a support case open with a TV Support rep and he mentioned that when the OS upgrade happens, the hosts TeamViewer ID will change. Has…
Operating system: Windows Version: 15.63.5 Release date: 2025-03-06 Bugfixes Fixed session summary not being sealed on session end.
Remote Windows 11 Pro PC running a fresh install of the 64-bit full client (15.57.5). After connecting to the remote PC using the client's Remote Control ID and Password, if I try to "Switch user", I lose the connection to the PC. If I close the remote control window on my end, I cannot reconnect to the remote PC.…
Operating system: Windows Version: 15.63.4 Release date: 2025-02-25 New features You can now view the contacts with whom a legacy group is shared, along with their permissions. You can edit these permissions as well as add or remove contacts from the share. Information about shared status is now included in legacy groups.…
Operating system: Windows Version: 15.62.4 Release date: 2025-01-28 New features It is now possible for any TeamViewer license holder to add embedded devices via the device list. It is now possible to add an unknown device as bookmarked via the recent connections list. It is now possible to add a description when creating…
I'm trying to connect to a remote windows machine (from a windows machine) and teamviewer connects to the wrong session. How do we tell Teamviewer which remote session to connect to?
Hi, I have a question about locking the cursor for playing games. For instance, I'm trying to control my PC (Windows 11) and play games remotely. The host's computer's mouse locks, while the other computer I'm using doesn't lock. It seems there’s no way to lock the cursor in place. I understand that TeamViewer isn't…
Operating system: Windows Version: 15.49.3 Release date: 2024-01-08 Bugfixes Fixed a bug which caused non-essential data to be requested from the backend.
According to the bulletin, only the TeamViewer_service.exe component of TeamViewer Full Client & Host prior version 15.62 is affected. But what about TeamViewer QuickSupport?
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