I have successfully deployed the custom host application using both jamf, and a shell script that uses curl to download the host. It shows up in the correct computer group and I am able to remote in. All that works great.
The problem is when I run the assignment tool. I have done it in two different ways. First, I downloaded the tool ( as guided in the management panel ) and used the -apitoken -datafile params when running the script. When I do it that way, I get an error that AssignmentData.json is not found. This was of course validated when I went to ~/Library/Application Support/Teamviewer Host
The second attempt used curl to download the agent, I then installed the application ( all worked great ). I then chmod -x /Applications/TeamvViewerHost.app/Helpers/Teamviewer_Assignment. However, this tool does not take the -datafile param. When running this tool -apitoken is changed to -api-token. Either way, I run the assignment tool that way and I get an error 204. Which according to standard API rules means "success". The documentation from Team Viewer states The API encountered an error.
Sorry for the long-winded story here. As I have tried nearly everything I can think of to get the assignment to work. My last step is to create a folder with a postinstall script, teamviewerhost and the teamview_assignment and see if it works. But that doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and would be a complete custom approach.
Either way. Assignmentdata.json is never created with the custom install (and yes, the checkbox is marked in the panel )
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated in trying to get the Mac OSX Teamviewer 14 to assign!