[Logs removed]
@Владислав, I faced the same issue when installed the 14.1.9025 on XP SP3 32bit.
The solution described here https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/TeamViewer-13/Teamviewer-13-1-3629-Teamviewer-Service-exe-is-crashing-under/td-p/32925 is worked for me successfully.
(enabling IPv6 by netsh interface ipv6 install)
I know, that's why I said *if* it was open source. My message was addressed to JeanK (Team Viewer Support), 'cause I think that breaking XP due to a single simple call and dropping its support because of that when they could fix it by using a different call on SHELL32.dll instead of SHCreateItemFromParsingName sounds a bit like an excuse. I mean, there are many legacy machines running Windows XP and its derivatives like Windows Server 2003, Windows Embedded Standard, Windows Media Center, Windows Tablet Edition, Windows Embedded POSReady etc that are still widely used on fuel pumps, tills, self-checkouts and so on. Having Team Viewer up and running to remotely connect to them is very important for many businesses, as it's way more secure than the old outdated RDP protocol that these machines have.
Besides, instead of dropping XP support altogether, if they don't wanna spend time to code workarounds, they could at least disable some functionalities in the XP version but still release an updated version of the program.
In this case, on what basis do you deceive your customers by officially stating on your site that versions 13 and 14 work in Windows XP? Remove at least misinformation from there!In general, I admire such explanations of the developers, why the new version of THEIR program stopped working in the old version of the OS. It turns out that this is not the fault of the programmer, who is too lazy to test his program in Windows XP, but the OS that has not changed for many years! Great logic!!!
Oh c'mon, it's not the whole programme, it's just one simple call in SHELL32.dll; you can fix it. If Team Viewer was open source, I would have coded a workaround myself.
For more info: https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/TeamViewer-General/Missing-function-call-in-TeamViewer-14-0-13880-Windows-XP/m-p/50142
Same problem on Win XP Professional sp3.
Previously working with V13. The event log error is
Faulting application teamviewer.exe, version 14.0.13880.0, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, fault address 0x00012aeb.
I tried to install version 13 - it crashes like yours. Successfully installed and earned only the 12th.
Hi all,
Thank you for your message.
We are sorry, that you encountered compatibility issues by installing TeamViewer on your Windows XP devices. As Microsoft itself stopped supporting Windows XP two years ago, it is now almost impossible for us to fix Windows XP issues. I hope you can understand the unfortunate situation.
Previous versions might still work fine on your Windows XP devices. Feel free to try it out !
You can download previous versions here.
I wish you all a good week-end.
And how I can fix it? I'm not a hacker, in addition, changing the program code prohibits the license agreement. In addition, after the first update such fix will be killed.
Hi Chico,
My primary support desktop is WinXP sp3 running TeamViewer 13.0.5640 (10 years old Compac 6710b, hit by lightning twice and rebuilt, been around the world a couple of times).
I receive very good telephone support from the TV helpdesk. I have a paid subscription. I can connect ok to versions up to 13. There is no timeout. I have been connected for several days on occasion. Important functionality works ok including change sides and file transfer. My XP desktop cannot connect to V14, therefore I run Win8.1 and Mac platforms. V14 cannot connect to some old versions which is mildly annoying.
I think perhaps your 20% statistic is a bit optimistic. FYI February this year Australian Dept Defence migrated 100,000 WinXP machines to Win10. Most of my clients have moved to Win7+
In my opinion, WinXP remains the most stable platform now that Microsoft has stopped patching it.
Paul White
Thanks for the solution!
However, let me express my incompetent opinion. For all the existence of IPv6, I have never met a situation in which a new protocol would be needed or would give some advantages. But I have met many times with situations where the use of this protocol, included in new versions of Windows by default, led to problems in the work of applications, and the developers of these programs recommended turning off the use of IPv6.