Hi all,
Working from home has become a real thing. Even in the jobs who are classically bound to offices.
These days - more and more people are working from home. And there is a variety of different types of "Home Office": From just a few times a year to some who are working from home in full time.
What we would like to discuss in this thread is everything around the home office.
We would like to understand more about this topic and discuss questions like:
- What challenges are you facing when working from home?
- What´s your Home Office set up?
- How often are you working at home?
- Did you need to convince your boss to work from home?
- How do you stay in contact with your colleagues and co-workers?
- How do you manage your lunch breaks?
- Or even: Why do you think home office is a bad idea?
I want to invite you to join this exciting topic and share your stories or help others who just began to think about working from home some days a week. Also, side-notes about whether your desk at home looks more or less organized than in your office would be a great insight ;-)
Looking forward to an exciting discussion.
All the best (from my home office),