Printing in Version 14 for private Users

gligli Posts: 4
edited May 2023 in General questions

Î am a private user and uses the remote printing possibiliy in the past without Problems. After update to version 14 it isn't possible to print. I get a hint that private user couldn't use this funktion any more. It this correct? Is there a positility to downgrade to a privios version so that I can use the printing funktion or have I to buy the professional version. That would be not good. I am sad. Regards



  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi @gligli,

    Thank you for your post. 

    It is possible to downgrade your TeamViewer software to version 13 here

    I hope, this could help and wish you a great day.


    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • Its doesnt help...I downgraded my TW version from 14 to 13, but printing is not active...I`m free pls
  • gligli
    gligli Posts: 4

    Thank you for  your quick answer. But it does't help. In addition it is a great problem, if you use the software in different version in your home net. Team viewer force me to buy the professional version although the advertisements say that private use is free. That is not serious. 

  • gligli
    gligli Posts: 4
    Sorry it doesn't help. See also other reply.
  • it doesn't help...can you help pls?
  • gligli
    gligli Posts: 4

    Dear Matroskin,

    I am waiting for answers from Natascha (moderator in the community) and an answer from TeamViewer headquarters). For me I now do it this way: With the remote computer I write or change the file on my home computer. It is saved there. Then I save a copy on the remote computer (Desktop or Memorystick). Then I run this local copy and print it on the local computer using the local print command. Then I delete the local copy so I don't have two versions on my privat network. Somewhat complicated but it works. Nevertheless it is not correct that Teamviewer annuls the print option for private users without notice. I hope it helps you a bit.



  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,586 Moderator

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    First of all: There are no plans to cancel the free plan of TeamViewer. However – we are trying to develop the different plans of TeamViewer according to the needs of the respective clients.

    Therefore, we are currently rolling out a global change to the feature set of the TeamViewer free plan. We apologize for not having communicated this with anticipation.

    The features, which we are disabling for the free plan are Remote Printing, Enabling Black Screen and Switching Sides.

    We carefully selected those features which are mostly used for commercial purposes like Home Office to avoid impairments in the personal use.

    Moreover, this change is also an important effort to protect people from potentials scams.

    As said above, the personal use of TeamViewer for connections via the wide range of platforms including a multitude of features remains free, and the full feature set is of course still available for all who need to use it for their work – like for regular customer support or home office – as we only removed the features from the free plan.

    Thanks and all the best,

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community