After update to ver 14, I cannot reliably connect to the remote computer.
When I click the "connect" button, most of the time nothing happens. Sometimes, I get a pop up window asking for log-in credentials (the password), but after entering the password the window closes and nothing happens. Very rarely, I can sucessfully to the remote computer. However, most of the times, before getting a sucessfull connection I get the message saying that I connected/disconnected too frequently and that I have to wait a while again I can try again. This basically leaves me locked out from my remote computer.
I have multiple desktops/laptops all running team viewer. The issue is most problematic when connecting from macOS (High Sierra) to a win 7, where I almost never suceeed. Connecting from a win 7 to a win 10 works better, but still fails fairly often.
All of these computers are behind university firewalls, in case that matters. With earlier versions of the teamviewer (which was used until just two weeks ago), this problem never happened.