TeamViewer Version: 14.1.9026 crashes

ptaa Posts: 13
edited May 2023 in General questions

I am running Windows 10 Home, fully updated.

Since the last few days, TM keeps crashing when attempting to log on to any of My Computers.

An empty remote window comes up after logging in to the remote, and then the whole TM crashes and has to be restarted.

Have tried uninstall/reinstall and several PC reboots.




  • ptaa
    ptaa Posts: 13

    What is going on here?

    Still just crashes immediately when attempting a connection.

    My Linux version works flawlessly., but not on W10.

    Nobody else having this problem?


  • I got the same problem!

  • ptaa
    ptaa Posts: 13

    I wonder why there are no suggestions from TeamViewer for a solution.




  • ptaa
    ptaa Posts: 13

    For me, this is an ongoing serious problem.

    And no comforting news are popping up.



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,070 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @ptaa,

    Thank you for your message.

    Could you please try our insider build and see if the problem occurs?

    Extras --> Options --> Receive insider builds

    Then, go to Help --> Check for updates.

    With the latest insider build, the issue should be fixed.

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.


    Community Manager

  • ptaa
    ptaa Posts: 13

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    Just tested the 14.1.12709 Preview towards 3 remote PC.

    Same resut. Sorry!

    Anything else I can do?


  • Hi,

    just by pure luck i tested connecting to a colleagues PC while my PC was in batterymode(without charger). The connection got established just fine.

    I then disconnected, plugged in the charger and tried connecting again. Teamviewer started crashing again. Disconnected the charger and then i could establish connection in Teamviewer, it is okey to plug the charger back in while the connection is already established.

    It only chrashes when i try to connect with the charger in

  • ptaa
    ptaa Posts: 13

    No difference on my laptop.

    Crashes when it is on external power or internal battery.


  • apike
    apike Posts: 1

    I cant keep Teamviewer running long enough to work through the menus. Need a direct link to insider build to try... Any link available.?