latency between 2 computers of 0.3-0.4 of a second , is this normal ?

I hope you don't mind me asking a question . my friend streams me video pictures from his computer via teamviewer . I receive the pictures with about a 0.3-0.4 delay from what he sees . yesterday he logged into the teamviewer account that he sends me ( so used a second account to view the original stream ) to see how much delayed he would view his original accounts pictures and there was virtually no latency 0.1 at most . is it possible that my latency is 0.3-0.4 because of my computer , ram, video card etc , it is about 7 years old  . he lives about 200 miles away . any help or advice is much appreciated . thanks you for reading , I would really appreciate any advice you may have for me  as to how i can receive the stream from him to within 0.1 of a second like he does , if that's possible . thank you



  • i should add my connection download speeds are

    ping 8ms

    download 170 mbps