
osiso Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in General questions

If I copy a file from a computer I'm connected with teamviewer and paste it into a computer I connect with rdp, it doesn't close when I click on the small window x on the bottom right, it hangs there and waits there until it closes the teamviewer program.popup.jpg


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @osiso 

    Thanks for your post.

    Can you try the following: Can you wait until the file is transferred 100%/successfully? It looks to me like the "x" only works when the upload/transfer is completed.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • osiso
    osiso Posts: 3

    Let me show you connect with teamviewer

  • osiso
    osiso Posts: 3

    both sides see that they are 100% also though x does not work