Comment button/windows missing in Linux version


the Linux version is missing the "Comment" button so we're unable to comment connections and have to edit the comment via Management Console.

Are there any plans to enable the Comment button in Teamviewer for Linux?



  • websafe
    websafe Posts: 15

    Any chance to have this fixed?

    LOCOSP Posts: 1

    We need that very much.
    95% of my work is under linux
    and 5% windows is ONLY for TeamViewer usage (and it's anoing).
    Please fix that!

  • bma
    bma Posts: 1

    adding this button would be verry helpfull...

  • Coval
    Coval Posts: 1

    Still no comment available on Linux?

  • Please add the Comment Button.

    If it is too hard for you to program this feature, then at least open the management page with the corresponding connection in the browser, to have me leaving a comment.

    If i can not comment my workings, then i have a problem to bill my service and thus i can not pay Teamviewer further.

  • Please add the "Comment" button to for Linux!

  • Hi team!

    What about the comment button for linux? Please, help us with this! Just do like we have in Windows.