Connect to Pc's in local network with 1 gateway PC


We are a machine building company, and are using Teamviewer to remotely assist our customers. A typical machine usually has multiple Windows-PC's that are interconnected in a local "machine" network. Typically only one of these PC's (the 'Master'-PC) has a 2nd network adapter to connect to the internet (via company network). So when we do remote assistance we can connect to Teamviewer running on this Master-PC. To connect to the other PC's in this LAN we then usually open a new Teamviewer-session on this Master-PC and then connect to the other PC via "Incoming LAN connections"-function (based on IP-address instead of Teamviewer ID).


So we always need to go through this Master-PC and occupy its screen to connect to another PC. We want to know what the best way is to connect directly to such a LAN-PC with using the screen of the Master-PC. I've tried the Teamviewer VPN-option (let the MasterPC function as a VPN Server). Is that the best way to go?

